- 廢礦石
- Article 33 Whoever stores in open air metallurgical slag, residue of chemical industry, cinder of burned coal, ettle, ore tailings or other industrial solid waste shall build special installations and sites for the purpose.
第三十三條 露天貯存冶煉渣、化工渣、燃煤灰渣、廢礦石、尾礦和其他工業(yè)固體廢物的,應(yīng)當(dāng)設(shè)置專用的貯存設(shè)施、場(chǎng)所。 - Whoever stores in open air metallurgical slag,residue of chemical industry,cinder of burned coal,ettle,ore tailings or other industrial solid waste shall build special installations and sites for the purpose.
露天貯存冶煉渣、化工渣、燃煤灰渣、廢礦石、尾礦和其他工業(yè)固體廢物的,應(yīng)當(dāng)設(shè)置專用的貯存設(shè)施、場(chǎng)所。 - Hody List was born and raised in what the Chinese cal-l the "Fragrant Harbor,"decided to Marketing ettle in Ann Arbor, Michigan because of its small town charm but metropolitan feel and facilities.
我很熱愛我的工作。幫助我的客戶尋找到他們理想的家園是我最大的心愿。當(dāng)您的臉上露出滿意的微笑的時(shí)候,也是我最欣悅的的時(shí)刻。 - ettle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.
我們很高興您在解決有關(guān)合同的問題上如此具有建設(shè)性。 - 175 We are really glad to ee you o co tructive i helping ettle the roblem a regard the igning of the contract.