- After he burnt them, he went to the market again, but the value of the burnt lignaloes was less than half of that of the charcoal.
世間愚人,亦復(fù)如是。無量方便,勤行精進(jìn),仰求佛果。以其難得,便生退心。不如發(fā)心,求聲聞果,速斷生死,作阿羅漢。 - After he burnt them, he went to the market again,the value of the burnt lignaloes was less than half of that of the charcoal.
世間愚人,亦復(fù)如是。無量方便,勤行精進(jìn),仰求佛果。以其難得,便生退心。不如發(fā)心,求聲聞果,速斷生死,作阿羅漢。 返回 lignaloes