1. ADJ Moderate political opinions or policies are not extreme. (政見或政策) 溫和的
He was an easygoing man of very moderate views. 他是一個有著溫和觀點性情隨和的人。
2. ADJ You use moderate to describe people or groups who have moderate political opinions or policies. (人或團體) 溫和的
...a moderate Democrat. …溫和的民主黨人。
3. N-COUNT A moderate is someone with moderate political opinions. 溫和派
If he presents himself as a radical he risks scaring off the moderates whose votes he so desperately needs. 如果他表現出自己是個激進分子的話,他就有可能嚇跑那些溫和派,而他急需那些人的選票。
4. ADJ You use moderate to describe something that is neither large nor small in amount or degree. (數量或程度) 適中的
While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. 適當的壓力可能有益,而壓力過大會讓你筋疲力盡。
5. moderatelyADV 適中地
Both are moderately large insects, with a wingspan of around four centimetres. 這兩只都是中等大小的昆蟲,翼幅大約為四厘米。
6. ADJ A moderate change in something is a change that is not great. (變化) 不大的
Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements. 大多數藥或者沒有真正療效,或者最多也就是稍有療效。
7. moderatelyADV 不大地[ADV after v]
Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately. 東京股票交易所的股票價格稍有下降。
8. V-T/V-I If you moderate something or if it moderates, it becomes less extreme or violent and easier to deal with or accept. 使緩和; 變得緩和
They are hoping that once in office he can be persuaded to moderate his views. 他們希望他一上臺后就能他說服,使他的觀點變得溫和些。
9. moderationN-UNCOUNT 緩和
A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices. 食品價格的降低有助于抵消能源價格的第一次上漲。
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