1. ADJ You use prime to describe something that is most important in a situation. 主要的[ADJ n]
Political stability, meanwhile, will be a prime concern. 與此同時,政治穩(wěn)定將是頭等大事。
It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack. 它會是游擊隊進攻的一個主要目標。
2. ADJ You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality. 最佳的[ADJ n]
The location of these beaches makes them prime sites for development. 這些海灘的位置使它們成為開發(fā)的最佳選址。
3. ADJ You use prime to describe an example of a particular kind of thing that is absolutely typical. 最典型的[ADJ n]
The prime example is Macy's, once the undisputed king of California retailers. 最典型的例子是梅西百貨,曾是加州零售商們公認的王者。
4. N-UNCOUNT If someone or something is in their prime, they are at the stage in their existence when they are at their strongest, most active, or most successful. 鼎盛時期
Maybe I'm just coming into my prime now. 可能我剛邁入我的最佳時期。
We've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime. 我們有不少早已過了鼎盛時期的運動員在試圖復出。
5. V-T If you prime someone to do something, you prepare them to do it, for example, by giving them information about it beforehand. 事先交代 (某人做某事)
Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand. 克萊爾希望她事先交代過薩拉。
Marianne had not known until Arnold primed her for her duties that she was to be the sole female. 直到阿諾德向她交待她的職責時,瑪麗安娜才知道她將是惟一的女性。
6. V-T If someone primes a bomb or a gun, they prepare it so that it is ready to explode or fire. 事先準備 (炸彈、槍)
He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time. 他在事先準備炸彈在一小時后爆炸。
He kept a primed shotgun in his office. 他在辦公室放了一桿裝好子彈的散彈獵槍。
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