Cydonia oblonga
- Cydonia oblonga Mill also have highly economic value.
同時,榅桲又具有很高的經(jīng)濟(jì)價值,是優(yōu)良的果樹。 - Therefore, Cydonia oblonga Mill has highly value to popularize in North China.
因此,在我國北方,榅桲具有很高的推廣價值。 - The posture, foliage, flower and fruit of Cydonia oblonga Mill have highly ornamental value, so it is a good stirp of decorative trees.
其樹姿、葉片、花和果實均具有較高的觀賞價值,是較好的觀賞樹種; - Other edible fruits include loquats (Eriobotrya japoniaca), pears (Pyrus communis), quinces (Cydonia oblonga), and strawberries (Fragaria).
其它可食的水果,還有枇杷(Eriobotryajaponiaca),梨(Pyruscommunis),榅桲(Cydoniaoblonga),草莓(草莓屬)等。 - Cydonia Oblonga Mill.