- He dived into his new job with great zest.
他充滿熱情地投入了新的工作。 - The setback did not damp his zest.
挫折沒有使他降低熱情。 - He entered into our plans with terrific zest.
他滿腔熱情的參加了我們的項目。 - Humor gave zest to his speech.
幽默使他的演說妙趣橫生。 - The element of risk gave (an) added zest to the adventure.
這種冒險成分更給探險活動平添幾分樂趣。 - The monkfish was very delicate and great with the orange zest.
安康魚配上橙子感覺非常精巧美妙。 - Toss apple with remaining 1/2 cup flour, add to batter with lemon zest.
剩下的1/2杯面粉和蘋果丁兜勻后和檸檬皮末一起加入面糊中。 返回 zests