- John macdougall,the labour mp for glenrothes,died early today after a long illness, a party spokesman said.
約翰高,勞工國會議員格倫羅西斯久病之后在今天早上逝世,一黨的發(fā)言人說。 - The development of such peripheral new towns as East Kilbride, Cumbernauld, Glenrothes, and Livingstone reduced the inner city's population and Congestion.
周邊新城市的發(fā)展,如東吉爾布萊德、坎伯羅爾德、格倫羅西斯和利文斯頓,減緩了中心城市的人口和密集度。 - The content of this page is from the GLENROTHES port or GLENROTHES customs import and export company directory;
本頁面內容主要是來自GLENROTHES港口或GLENROTHES海關的進出口公司目錄; 返回 Glenrothes