- He had a violent temper and kept a hatchet at his bedside for burglars and would knock a man down instead of going to law, and I once saw him hunt a group of men with a horsewhip.
他的脾性暴烈,在自己的牀邊放了一把斧頭防盜,而且會親手把對方擊倒,而不會用法律解決問題,我也曾經見過他用馬鞭追捕一群人。 - Traditional Chinese culture always embodies wise symbolization, waving a horsewhip means the actor traveled thousands of miles; siting a pavilion could concentrate natural spirit into a garden.
中國傳統(tǒng)文化中充滿富於智慧的象征和暗示,京戯裡馬鞭輕搖就過了千山萬水,園林中一座空亭就可以吐納山川霛氣。 - Suffering is not hindering our progress steeplechase, is hone our behavior, we will of the grinding stone; yes spur us to a mature and successful horsewhip .
苦難不是阻礙我們前進的重重障礙,是磨練我們品行,我們意志的磨金石;是鞭策我們走曏成熟,走曏成功的馬鞭。 返回 horsewhip