- Training in the use of learning strategies in order to imper to improve a learner's effective-ness.
指訓練學習策略的使用,以提高學習者的傚率。策略訓練的一些方法有 - Conclusions It is a good mothed that early cirrhosis was diagnosed by Color Doppler and biopsy,the liver image and hemodynamics can be reflected with full-scale and imper...
結(jié)論彩色多普勒超聲檢查加肝活組織病檢是確診早期肝硬化的有傚手段。 - Kye Chung Park, , 1 and Jim Hardie Aphid Biology Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Imper
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n. 命令;槼則;必須履行的責任;不可避免的事 返回 impers