- Nature produces them only very slowly, parsimoniously, and at a constant rate.
但大自然對這些人物的造就非常緩慢。非常吝嗇,而且始終如此。 - Nature produces them only very slowly,parsimoniously,and at a constant rate.
但大自然對這些人物的造就非常緩慢。非常吝嗇,而且始終如此。 - They spend not in the least parsimoniously, isenjoying the fashion life.
他們花錢毫不吝嗇,享受著時尚生活。 - In scientific inquiry, ‘knowing’ refers to ‘knowing parsimoniously.
在科學(xué)研究中,“知之”意味著“簡而知之”。 - The net friend “the double knife” said: “the people often parsimoniously give others a praise.
網(wǎng)友“雙刀”稱:“人們往往吝嗇給別人一句表敭。 - Draws bonus parsimoniously in the part To be listed fully suffered denounces, Minsheng Bank's here revises especially noticeably.
不過,現(xiàn)在可以確定,民生銀行此擧意在爲(wèi)其進(jìn)行的增發(fā)再融資“鋪路”。在九日發(fā)佈的民生銀行公告中,該行“慷慨”地脩訂了原有的分紅章程。 返回 parsimoniously