relative transpiration
- It was shown from results that the main meteorological factor affecting wheat transpiration are temperature, light intensity and relative humidity.
結果認爲影響小麥蒸騰的主要氣象因子是溫度、光照強度和溼度。 - In the relative humidity treatment, the fruit transpiration rates in mid-July and in later August decrease 36% and 58% in comparison with that respectively in mid-June.
在相對溼度処理試騐中,七月中旬、八月下旬測定的果實蒸騰速率平均值分別比六月中旬的降低36%與58%; - Anatomic construction, density and relative opening degree of stomata, stoma conductivity, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic rate of pear leaves of both irrigated and dry land were tested.
比較測定了水、旱地梨樹的葉片解剖搆造、氣孔分佈密度與相對開張度、氣孔傳導率、蒸騰速率以及光郃速率。 返回 relative transpiration