- "But instead he seems to have photographed yet another different species" of snailfish, among other finds.
Priede說(shuō),“但在他的發(fā)現(xiàn)中,他似乎拍到了另一種不同的獅子魚(yú)?!?/li> - The deepest dwelling vertebrates on Earth, snailfish have been discovered in ocean trenches in other parts of the Pacific.
獅子魚(yú)是一種居住在地球最深処的脊椎動(dòng)物,太平洋其他地方的海溝也發(fā)現(xiàn)過(guò)它的身影。 - This new species of snailfish was discovered 7 kilometres down in the Peru-Chile trench in the south-east Pacific Ocean using a deep-sea baited camera system.
在東南太平洋秘魯-智利海溝下麪的7公裡処,使用了深海誘餌式的攝像系統(tǒng),才發(fā)現(xiàn)了這種新品種的獅子魚(yú)。 返回 snailfish