1. ADJ If someone or something is unaffected by an event or occurrence, they are not changed by it in any way. 未受影響的[v-link ADJ]
She seemed totally unaffected by what she'd drunk. 她似乎完全沒有受到所喝的東西的影響。
2. ADJ If you describe someone as unaffected, you mean that they are natural and genuine in their behaviour, and do not act as though they are more important than other people. 質(zhì)樸的[表贊許]
...this unaffected, charming couple. …這對質(zhì)樸、可愛的夫婦。
返回 unaffected
unaffected /??n??f?kt?d/
unaffected adjective (NOT CHANGED)
not influenced , harmed , or interrupted in any way未受影響的;未受傷害的;未被打斷的
The west of the city was largely unaffected by the bombing . 該城西部基本上沒有受到轟炸的破壞。
Flights out of most major airports were unaffected by the snow . 大多數(shù)主要城市的離港航班沒有受到大雪的影響。
unaffected adjective (SINCERE)
approvingnatural and sincere in your behaviour
For someone who has spent 40 years in show business she seems relatively unaffected by it all. 作爲(wèi)一個(gè)在娛樂圈做了40年的人,她仍然保持著驚人的純真。 返回 unaffected