1. ADJ If someone is blessed with a particular good quality or skill, they have that good quality or skill. 有幸具有的[v-link ADJ 'with' n]
Both are blessed with an uncommon ability to fix things. 倆人都有幸具有不尋常的脩理東西的能力。
2. ADJ You use blessed to describe something that you think is wonderful, and that you are grateful for or relieved about. 幸運的[ADJ n] [表贊許]
The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event. 生一個活潑健康的孩子確實是一件幸運的事。
3. blessedlyADV 幸運地
...a wall still blessedly warm from the day's sun. …一堵受到了日間陽光照曬依然溫?zé)湹臓潯?/p>
4. →see also bless
返回 blessed
義項 blessed讀作?bl?st,義項 blessed讀作?bl?s?d。
blessed adjective (HOLY)
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Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth . 溫柔的人有福了,因爲(wèi)他們必承受土地。
blessed adjective (LUCK)
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bringing you happiness , luck , or something you need
blessed peace /rain /silence 賜福的和平/喜雨/靜謐
a blessed relief 令人高興的解脫
?be blessed with sth formal us
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to be lucky in having a particular thing
Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather . 幸運的是我們碰上了好天氣。
She is blessed with both beauty and brains . 她的命真好,既漂亮又聰慧。
blessed adjective (ANGER)
[ 衹用在名詞前麪的形容詞 ] informal usYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audio
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an expression of anger
Take that blessed cat out! 把那該死的貓弄出去! 返回 blessed