- Then his British pridespoke, deprecatingly, as it always speaks. "We could never do anythinglike this in London, don't you know.
然後他的英國(guó)驕傲又來了,帶著一貫的不以爲(wèi)然態(tài)度,“你知道嗎,在倫敦絕對(duì)做不到這樣,一個(gè)英國(guó)人的住宅就是他的城堡,諸如此類的事情等等。 - He smiled deprecatingly. "It's just that I have a problem with boats. A kind of phobia. I wouldn't get into one of those rubber dinghies if my life depended on it."
他不好意思地笑道:“這就是我的問題所在,對(duì)船有恐怖癥,如果我的生命衹能依靠那樣的小皮艇,我根本沒辦法尅服自己的恐懼讓自己進(jìn)去?!?/li> - "talked about this experience, Kevin Tsai self-deprecatingly, " that I had bad luck Well, Who I was the only one out of the (cabinet) was still alive, man, "banter lacking a bit helpless.
談及這段經(jīng)歷,蔡康永自我調(diào)侃“那我倒黴嘛,誰讓我是唯一一個(gè)出了(櫃)還健在的人”,戯謔中不乏幾分無奈。 。 - He had a wonderfully dry wit and didn't hesitate to apply it self-deprecatingly.
FORBES: Caspar W. (Cap) Weinberger - Abou El Fadl has his own informal cluster of American dissident scholars, which self-deprecatingly calls itself the "consolation club"--in e-mail and phone calls, they console each other.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America - Rather, the 71-year-old is straight-faced, blunt-talking and self-deprecatingly witty.
ECONOMIST: Zhu Rongji in the land of demons The 返回 deprecatingly